Thursday, June 23, 2011

Jeff's long-awaited ease in offering NVC training

Miraculously and with grace, I am experiencing a long-awaited ease and self-acceptance in offering Compassionate Communication (NVC) training with others.

I have been facilitating NVC events since 2003, and have led trainings literally hundreds of times with all kinds of audiences.

Most of those experiences included some degree of angst and "efforting" within myself to embody the consciousness I was attempting to share with others.

As I write this, I am facilitating a 3 1/2 day NVC Dance Floors training in Denver, CO, and experiencing total ease on the first day of the training.

And the ease comes not because it's "going well" by conventional measures -- in other words, I don't feel ease because people are giving me positive feedback, or because they are understanding what I am presenting.

It's an internal experience not directly related to external feedback. Somehow, some way -- and I have no need whatsoever to cognitively understand why -- I am in total acceptance of myself, of others, and what happens in this training experience.

Paradoxically, of course, this is probably creating more connection and a more "effective" training, judged in terms of embodiment and how my living of the consciousness is being transmitted to others.
