Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Brad Blanton's "Radical Honesty" and connection to NVC

Lately, I have enjoyed reading up on, and watching Youtube videos of, Brad Blanton. Blanton is the psychotherapist who developed what he calls, "Radical Honesty," with the byline, "How to transform your life by telling the truth."

I first heard about Radical Honesty about 6 months ago, when Blanton was interviewed on an NPR radio program. I was impressed, but came away with the impression that Radical Honesty was too much about making moralistic judgments of other people, rather than being radically honest in the way I see NVC guiding me to -- namely, by making myself vulnerable and sharing my rock-bottom truth in the form of my observations, feelings and needs... and avoiding making judgments of others.

I learned, however, that watching Blanton speak reminds me, in some ways, to listening to Dr. Marshall Rosenberg (the founder of NVC) speak -- clear, inspiring and something that resonates with me deeply.

Have any of you come across Radical Honesty? If so, what has your impression been?

1 comment:

DJ said...

Hi Jeff,
I just watched a few minutes of one of Brad's videos. Then I re-read your post and something hit me. When I read "in the way I see NVC guiding me to -- ... and avoiding making judgments of others." I wondered if one thing you're resonating to in watching Brad is the freedom to express yourself - to say whatever you're thinking or feeling whether it's judgments, anger, evaluations, sarcasm - without thinking you need to avoid anything. Does that fit in any way?

I do have an impression of what I saw, but I've already written a lot, so I thought I'd just send this part off.